Build Your Kernel For WSL2

Windows 10 2004 will be released to public very soon. It has been released in Windows Insider Program for a long time. In this release, the biggest improveme...

Executable File Can't Be Loaded in Ubuntu 19.10

Today, I found an interesting thing, the following code works well under Ubuntu 18.04, but failed under Ubuntu 19.10: 1234567891011#include <stdio.h>#i...

Create WSL Distribution

WSL is a great product of Microsoft. You can have a linux develop environment on your windows machine via WSL. But the official WSL distribution is a little ...

Install Multiple WSL Instances

First follow to install one WSL instance. It will download the Linux distribution package and inst...

Cross Build FFmpeg & FFplay for Windows

Note: The following example is building for 32 bits. If you want to build for 64 bits, please use x86_64-w64-mingw32 instead of i686-w64-mingw32. Build FFmpe...

睡觉做梦,梦见换老板了。新老板随意看了看我以前写的code,问了很多问题,都一一给他解释了一翻。突然,老板发现有两个project里面有两个类似的函数, 都是在状态改变的时候会触发一个event。只是一个函数加锁了,一个函数没有。老板问,为啥这两个地方不一样呢?我扫了一眼说,可能一个地方的事件是异步触发的, 一个...

为了纪念 —— 《纯C论坛·电子杂志》

——谨以此纪念《纯C论坛·电子杂志》 …… …… 偶然间,在计算机内整理文档的时候,又翻出了当年胎死腹中的《纯C论坛·电子杂志》第五期的原稿,一时间,一种久违的感觉又泛上心头。不由得想写些文字来纪念当年这个自己为之投入过相当心血又为自己带来相当快乐的东西。然而几度起笔,却又几度划去,实在不知当从何说起,又当说些什...